Birds can make absolutely lovely, beautiful pets and we treat all types from parrots to finches to chickens and more. Our dedicated team of avian veterinarians caters to each species with the utmost care.
Here, we cover a variety of topics relating to birds, including one of our questions we hear the most: How do I know the sex of my pet bird? We also cover common household materials that can be toxic to your pet bird and so much more.
Check back regularly as we have many new and exciting bird-related blogs to come!

Pododermatitis in Birds: Understanding, Treatment, and Prevention
Pododermatitis, commonly referred to as "bumblefoot," is an inflammatory condition affecting the bottom of a bird's feet. This condition is prevalent among various bird species, including ducks, chick...

The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Pet Chickens
Chickens make wonderful pets, endearing themselves to many with their unique personalities and interesting behaviours. Caring for chickens is relatively easy, but ensuring they receive the right vacci...

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) is a viral infection that affects parrots and other avian species, and can significantly impact their health. Understanding the symptoms, modes of transmissi...

Lipomas in Pet Birds
The development of a lump or mass on a pet bird can be worrying for pet owners with some being more sinister than others.

Caring For Ringneck and Alexandrine Parrots
Ringneck and Alexandrine parrots are intelligent, curious and social birds that can make excellent pets in the right home. Many are very playful and vocal. Ringneck parrots are available in a wide ran...

Managing Reproductive Drive in Companion Birds
Behavioural and medical disorders relating to excessive reproductive drive are some of the most common problems we encounter in both female AND male pet parrots. Often owners are completely unaware th...