Wing Clipping
Wing Clipping We can perform wing clipping on some feathered friends, however it is a service that requires consideration. We recommend that you think about and discuss with your avian veterinarianÂ...
Nail Clipping
Nail Clipping Many pets, particularly those kept indoors, often don’t wear down their nails as they naturally would if they were out in the wild. Over time, this leads to them becoming sharp and ove...
Microchipping One of the saddest situations is when we find unusual and exotic pets that have escaped from their owners. When a lost or displaced animal presents to our clinic, the first thing we do i...
Vaccinations Ensuring your pet is up to date with their vaccinations is very important to prevent deadly diseases. Vaccinations involve your pet having a small injection under their skin that allows t...
General Health Checks
General Health Checks Many things are special about keeping unusual pets. While it is interesting and exciting, it can also be difficult to know whether your pet is healthy and that their husbandry re...