Package Includes

Health and Dental Check-up Nail Clip
Distemper Vaccination A bag of recommended food
Microchip and Registration 3 months of heart worm protection
Ferret Care

What is the HopStart package?

Our HopStart package is an all-inclusive package made for ferret owners. The first few months with any new pet can be daunting so this package will give you peace of mind while providing your ferret with premium veterinary care. It is designed for new ferret owners who are just starting with a baby ferret or owners of mature ferrets who just haven’t had time to organise getting all their ferret’s vet work done.

What is included in the Ferret HopStart package?

  • Sterilisation (desexing)
    Sterilisation is a very important part of preventative health care in ferrets. A number of problems can occur if your ferret is left un-sterilised including life-threatening anaemia, increased odour and unwanted behaviours. In almost all cases, sterilised ferrets will bond better with their owners and other ferrets. Our HopStart package covers all costs associated with either surgical sterilisation or medical sterilisation (with a hormonal implant). We can discuss both of these options with you to help decide what is best for your ferret.
  • Distemper Vaccination and Heartworm Protection
    Ferrets can contract Canine Distemper Virus and if they do there is no treatment. Vaccination provides good protection against this deadly virus. This vaccine is given annually after the initial juvenile vaccine course. Our HopStart package includes one or two vaccinations for your ferret (depending on what is recommended and which HopStart level is selected). It also includes a three-month supply of heartworm prevention medication to protect your ferret.
Ferret Care
Ferret Care
  • Microchipping and Registration:
    Microchip identification is a safe and highly effective means of identifying your pet. Microchips enable lost ferrets to be reunited with their owners. Microchip implantation and lifetime registration on a national database is included in the package.
  • Health and Dental Check:
    Ferrets will often hide underlying illness’ from their owners. Our Hopstart package includes a full health and dental check over by one of our ferret vets.
  • Nails Clipping:
    Long nails are no fun for anyone! We’ll clip your ferret’s nails.
  • Food or Treat:
    A bag of recommended ferret food, a dietary supplement or a treat (depending on what your ferret prefers!).

How much does it cost?

  • Females (surgically desexing): $720 including one vaccination or $820 including two vaccinations
  • Males (surgically desexing): $660 including one vaccination or $760 including two vaccinations
  • Either sex (medical desexing with a hormonal implant): $610 including one vaccination or $710 with two vaccinations

How do I sign up for the ferret HopStart package?

You can sign up to the HopStart packaging by phoning your Unusual Pet Vets team or stopping into the clinic.

Ferret Care