Pet Care

Welcome to our Exotic Pet Care Hub – Your Ultimate Resource for Comprehensive Information!

At the Unusual Pet Vets, we take pride in being your go-to destination for a wealth of knowledge on caring for exotic pets. Whether you share your life with reptiles, birds, small mammals, or other extraordinary companions, our extensive library of articles and care sheets provides expert advice and information on exotic pet healthcare, nutrition, husbandry and more.

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Axolotl care sheet

Caring For Axolotls

Axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) are fascinating amphibians known for their unique appearance and remarkable regenerative abilities. These exotic creatures are only found in the wild in a single lake system in Mexico and are classified as an endangered species. Fortunately, they have gained popularity as pets, with a captive population far exceeding their wild numbers.

Lop eared rabbit

What to Expect for Ear Canal Surgery in Rabbits

Lop-eared rabbits are highly susceptible to ear diseases, making ear surgery a common necessity. A summary of the most common clinical issues, diagnostic steps and surgical intervention is included below.

Bumble foot treatment

Pododermatitis in Birds: Understanding, Treatment, and Prevention

Pododermatitis, commonly referred to as “bumblefoot,” is an inflammatory condition affecting the bottom of a bird’s feet. This condition is prevalent among various bird species, including ducks, chickens, and parrots.

Aquarium water quality

Basic Water Quality and the Nitrogen Cycle

Your aquatic animal’s health is intimately related to the quality of the water they live in. The way you manage your water quality is therefore very important. This handout covers the very basics of water quality management for indoor freshwater aquariums and will be helpful for freshwater species such as goldfish, turtles and axolotls.

Feeding your ferret

A Guide to Feeding Your Ferret

Ensuring the well-being of your ferret involves providing a nutritionally balanced diet that aligns with their natural carnivorous instincts. This guide explores various feeding options, emphasizing the importance of protein and fat while steering clear of plant-based proteins.

Ferret feeding recipe

Ferret Raw Feeding Recipe

A simple recipe to make up 10kg of ferret food. As an alternative to feeding whole prey, a raw mix can be made by combining 10% bone, 10% organ, and 80% muscle meat, as below.

Two pet chickens in a backyard, highlighting proper pet chicken care

The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Pet Chickens

Chickens make wonderful pets, endearing themselves to many with their unique personalities and interesting behaviours. Caring for chickens is relatively easy, but ensuring they receive the right vaccinations, proper husbandry, and a balanced diet is crucial.

Cockatoo eating grass

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease: A Comprehensive Guide

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) is a viral infection that affects parrots and other avian species, and can significantly impact their health. Understanding the symptoms, modes of transmission, and diagnostic options is crucial for early detection and effective disease management.

Find out what blue tongue lizards eat

What Do Blue-Tongue Lizards Eat? A Guide to Their Dietary Requirements

Blue-tongue lizards, also known as blue-tongued skinks, are fascinating reptiles that have captured the hearts of many reptile enthusiasts.

Learn about lipomas in birds, how they are diagnosed, treated and early detection.

Lipomas in Pet Birds

The development of a lump or mass on a pet bird can be worrying for pet owners with some being more sinister than others.

If you notice any signs of a skin condition, take your guinea pig to the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

Guinea Pig Skin Conditions

Skin conditions are common in guinea pigs and are sometimes the first sign of an underlying serious illness. It is important to identify the underlying cause of a skin condition in order to provide appropriate treatment and prevent further complications.

Just like humans, guinea pigs need vitamin C in their diets to ensure their well-being and overall health.

Vitamin C Deficiency in Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs require vitamin C in their diets to maintain their health. Like humans, guinea pigs cannot produce vitamin C independently and must obtain it from their diet.

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