Rabbit Veterinary Care

Looking for a vet who can care for your pet rabbit? Look no further, you’ve found us! We are the trusted experts when it comes to the health and husbandry of pet rabbits.

Rabbit photo

Providing The Best Veterinary Care For Your Pet Rabbit

Keeping rabbits healthy takes more than the occasional carrot – it takes years of accumulated knowledge, experience and skill. Furthermore, it takes a rabbit vet with a real grip on all things bunny-related. As with all creatures, rabbits exhibit behaviours that are specific to just them, our long-eared, furry friends.

Rabbits require specific attention and experience. At The Unusual Pet Vets, we guarantee that your rabbit will receive quality care. Our services include:

  • Health check-ups including dietary and housing requirements
  • Rabbit vaccinations to prevent life-threatening illness and disease
  • A wide range of food and toy products that are safe for rabbits
  • Desexing
  • Advanced rabbit surgery and hospital care
  • Rabbit dentistry
Rabbit vet

Rabbit Essentials

We’ve put together a collection of rabbit care and information sheets to help you feed rabbits properly, identify diseases that often occur, and how to generally care for your beloved pet.

Regardless of the type, each rabbit is best treated by a trusted rabbit veterinarian with in-depth knowledge of rabbit medicine.

Why Choose The Unusual Pet Vets?

The Unusual Pet Vets is an experienced team of veterinarians that provide advanced pet rabbit care. Part of our committed service is our regular check-ups where we take a close look at your rabbit’s ears, eyes, teeth, and gut to make sure your rabbit is in good health.

Our clinics offer a wide range of services to ensure that your rabbit enjoys a long, healthy life.

Our dedicated rabbit vets are committed to helping you create the perfect home conditions for your pet bunny. Concerning the eating habits of your rabbit, we offer comprehensive information on which green treats and vegetables will become their favourites. We like to share all the little titbits on pet rabbit care that often pass most of us by – including some of the little gestures your rabbit makes to communicate with you. After all, the better you know your bunny the better your relationship will be.

Our veterinarians all have special interests and experience with exotic and unusual pets, especially rabbits.

Wing Clips & Beak trims

DNA and surgical sexing

General health check-ups including dietary or husbandry discussions

Experienced, highly-qualified team with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in dealing with all types birds

Behaviour analysis and discussion

Blood and faecal analysis

Advanced diagnostic imaging (x-rays, ultrasounds and CT)

High-tech laboratory and the latest equipment, including onsite surgical and anaesthesia facilities

Patient Story

Harry, a two-year-old bunny was presented to our Balcatta team after his owners reported that he was quieter in himself and didn’t appear to have much of an appetite.

On examination we discovered that Harry was suffering from gastrointestinal (GI) stasis, a condition in which the digestive system slows down considerably. We see this condition a lot in our patients and there is generally an underlying cause. In Harry’s case, we found a dental spur (a sharp point on one of his teeth) that was making him very uncomfortable.

Harry was stabilised then anaesthetised so that we could perform a dental float to correct back the spur that had developed and any remaining abnormalities that were present. Harry was an absolute legend and an hour after his procedure he was eating normally and back to his happy, healthy self.

Harry rabbit page