The Unusual Pet Vets: Committed to Responsible Antimicrobial Prescribing and Stewardship

At The Unusual Pet Vets, we take our responsibility to both our patients and the broader community seriously. A key aspect of this commitment is our dedication to responsible antimicrobial prescribing and antimicrobial stewardship, particularly in the unique and diverse world of exotic pets.

The Importance of Antimicrobial Stewardship

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the most pressing health issues of our time. When antibiotics are used inappropriately or excessively, bacteria can develop resistance, rendering these crucial medications ineffective. This not only jeopardises the health of animals but also has far-reaching implications for human health. The rise of antibiotic-resistant infections poses a significant threat to global health, making it more difficult to treat common infectious diseases, leading to prolonged illness, disability, and even death.

Changing the Narrative Around Antimicrobial Use

At The Unusual Pet Vets, we are committed to changing the narrative around antimicrobial use in exotic pets. We understand that while antibiotics are a valuable tool in treating bacterial infections, they must be used judiciously to preserve their effectiveness. Our veterinarians follow stringent guidelines that ensure antibiotics are prescribed only when absolutely necessary and in the most appropriate manner. We focus on accurate diagnosis, using targeted treatments and exploring alternative therapies whenever possible to reduce reliance on antibiotics.

Infographic Anitboitics

Preserving Antibiotics for the Future

Our approach to antimicrobial stewardship is guided by the principle of preserving antibiotics for current and future generations. By implementing responsible prescribing practices now, we are playing our part in the global effort to combat antimicrobial resistance. This refers to staying informed about the latest research, performing diagnostic tests to achieve an accurate and timely diagnosis, adopting best practices in veterinary medicine, and educating our clients on the importance of proper medication use and adherence to prescribed treatment plans.

Commitment to Future Health and Welfare

The Unusual Pet Vets are dedicated to ensuring the health and welfare of exotic pets, as well as that of the broader community. We believe that responsible antimicrobial use is essential not only for the health of our patients but also for safeguarding the effectiveness of these life-saving drugs for humans and animals alike. Together with our clients and the veterinary community, we can make a difference in the fight against antimicrobial resistance. By choosing The Unusual Pet Vets, you are choosing a practice that prioritises your pet’s health, the integrity of our treatments, and the future of medicine.

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