
Vet Nurse PlaceholderMeet Dr Kirby Stathis (She/Her)

BVSc BSc (vet)

Dr Kirby has worked solely in exotic animal practice since graduating from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science. She loves the challenges and surprises every day brings working with such a variety of fascinating and unique creatures. Kirby loves all creatures feathered, furred, scaley and skinned but has a particular “passion for poultry,” having kept backyard chickens for more than half her life. 

Hobbies and Interest

When not at work, Dr Kirby enjoys hiking in nature, hitting the gym, reading (fantasy and science fiction), horseback riding, jigsaw puzzles, baking and caring for her menagerie of pets. 

Owned Pets

Dr Kirby has kept a variety of mammals, amphibians, and birds over the years. She currently shares her home with four feline friends called Nyx, Chaos, Suki, and Iroh. She has eight chickens named Seraphina, Mildred, Circe, Minerva, Hilde, Agnieszka, Zoya, and Zelie, and a rex rabbit named Artie, aka the Artful Dodger. Because her house isn’t busy enough, Dr Kirby is also currently fostering two rambunctious Galahs.